"STL Academy, also known as Super Trader Lakshya Academy is an online educational platform and one of the most popular brands in the Indian Stock Market Trading community. After actively trading in the market for 12+ years, Team STL has developed Technical Strategies and Psychological Methods in trading that produces tremendous results and gives a really good edge over the market. STL Academy was created in order to share this Knowledge, Experience & Strategies with other traders in the market and help them start or restart their trading journey the right way.
STOCK MARKET A – Z: The mentorship program by STL is a very detailed and intricate learning program that digs really deep into the process of profitable trading. This program is a time capsule that gives you access to 12+ years of trading experience culminated into a detailed yet simple learning program.
INDUSTRY TRACK RECORD: Being one of the oldest and biggest brands in the Indian Stock Market, STL guides 200,000+ traders on various social media platforms.
MARKET ANALYSIS VIDEOS: These videos are viral on YouTube for a reason. The level of data and knowledge provided in the STL market analysis videos are on every traders wish-list."